KidsStation Playground and Safety Town

KidsStation Playground and Safety Town in Stow is known locally as "The Red Playground" and has lots of ways to play!

Safety Town in a fully-fenced, miniature City of Stow, with streets, businesses and working stop lights! Kids can bring their bikes or ride-on toys (my kids love to bring their power wheels), to navigate the stop signs, traffic lights and two-way traffic in a completely safe environment! The fire station is just next door so you can occasionally get the chance to see emergency vehicles at work.

Next, you can hop over to the playground, which is just across the parking lot. This playground has all kids of equipment for big and little kids. There are tall (and fast) slides, climbers, swings and more!

Take advantage of the today's nice weather because we won't see it again for a while!

Find it at:

4200 Fishcreek Rd, Stow, OH 44224


Mila’s Hope and Rowyn’s Dreams Playground